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The ability to read widely, think critically and strategically, and communicate is essential.  At Beechview Academy, we teach these fundamental skills through an exciting and creative curriculum centred around our children’s needs.  We believe in a balanced and rigorous approach to teaching English and transferring learned skills across each curricular area. Effective English is intrinsically purposeful, flexible and dynamic, and continues to develop throughout an individual’s lifetime.

We help our children to achieve by explicitly modelling, and teaching, reading and writing strategies.  We ensure extensive time is given to support critical and creative discussions, sharing texts and providing purposeful reading, writing, speaking, and listening experiences.  Promotion and enhancement of home-school links in English at the forefront of our thinking.

We believe that English is vital to a child’s education and promotes an appreciation and love of reading, and lifelong learning.

Look in detail at Reading, Writing and Phonics by clicking on the headers to the right.