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At Beechview Academy we have crafted a broad and balanced curriculum that is distinctive to the school, with the children and their community at the forefront of the design, so that our children learn, grow and thrive. 

Our curriculum fully meets the expectations of the National Curriculum and also builds on an enquiry approach which supports and enriches all of our pupils' learning journeys. 

All children follow the appropriate National Curriculum programmes of study. The subjects studied are English, Mathematics, Science, PHSE, History, Geography, Music, Spanish, Art, Design & Technology, PE, Computing and RE. Teaching is undertaken by well qualified Key Stage 2 teachers and teaching assistants following the primary model of most subjects being taught by the class teacher but supported by specialist teachers where required. The curriculum in each subject is very well planned, and the content can be seen on our website.

Our curriculum intention is for all of our children to be enthused, excited and, more importantly, curious about learning, moving their learning onwards from all their different starting points. Our aim is to equip the children with the necessary knowledge and skills to be ready for the next stage in their journey - to thrive wherever they go and whatever they do next!

Staff use clear schemes of learning developed by the SLT and subject leads, that show clearly when the knowledge and skills are taught and what learning destinations are achieved. Staff work together to think about how knowledge and skills are shared, considering a variety of modes of learning with a clear understanding of where all pupils are starting from. Optimum learning behaviour is reinforced in every lesson. 

From the moment pupils join, to the moment they leave our school, our children know that they belong to our own ‘Beechview Community', which is inclusive and supportive. They develop a confidence that they carry with them into secondary school and leave us as thinkers, questioners and problem solvers. From their very first day at school, children are encouraged to develop the skills of independent learning. We are extremely proud of every one of them.